Answered By: Tina M. Moser, MLIS
Last Updated: Jul 13, 2023     Views: 160

Current students, staff, and faculty of CU Anschutz get full access to all of the library's resources, including remote (off-campus) access to databases and other electronic resources.

If you are not a student, staff, or faculty member of CU Anschutz, you can learn about what your access options are here:

Anyone is welcome to come to the library to use our public computers or access our guest wifi to utilize electronic resources.

Note: Not all UCHealth and Children's Hospital Colorado employees have access to all of the Strauss Health Sciences Library resources. Hospital employees who have questions about their access can contact their hospital librarians:


Jerry Carlson | Phone 970-495-7770 | Bypass 192-57770 |

Children's Hospital Colorado

Catisha Benjamin | 720-777-6400 | 

Marie St. Pierre | 720-777-5355 | 

If you have any questions, use the AskUs service to let us know what you need.