Reservation List For Bookable Study Rooms Details:
Is it possible to have a reservation list showing all the time slots that have been reserved on the doors for all the single- and group-study rooms? It is frustrating when I reserved a room and someone else did not know about that and was taking their exam when I arrived. I personally did not feel comfortable to interrupt their exam in order to have the room back. I understand there is a sign saying that the room can be reserved and students without reservation can use the room at their own risk. But hopefully, it can be more pronounced and more specific. Thank you
Thank you for the comment. We will try to work up something more pronounced and visually dramatic to encourage users to look up the schedule online and check. We can also consider returning to the posting of the daily schedule which we did when there were only ten rooms on the system. Any posted sign produced at one time of the day can be out of date within hours, and booking of the rooms by the students is growing. As more rooms are added to the system, the time it takes to keep a posted schedule current and walk around and post becomes questionable. But we see your point and maybe a one-time posting each morning is better than nothing. We had hoped to save some time and efficiency but will consider returning to the routine especially if we continue to hear the same from other students.
Thank you.
Douglas Stehle, Dept. Head, Access Services.