Answered By: Douglas Stehle
Last Updated: Jan 31, 2020     Views: 514

Very loud front desk workers Details:Very loud front desk workers
I was trying to get some studying done today, however there were two blonde girls on the front desk, who did not stop talking loudly the entire time. I had to find another place to sit.
It has be the norm to have such a quiet environment in libraries, but it looks like it is not anymore. And what makes it worse is that the noise comes from the staff.
The time I am talking about is 3 to 5 pm on Thursday 1/30/2020.
Thank you



thank you for the input and comment. I apologize for your experience, and we agree that efforts should be made by the library staff to be quiet and not unnecessarily create noise. We have checked with the staff on the service desk during that period and they are embarrassed and admit they were talking a lot. We will work to do better, and I'll use this as an example to staff that our voices can and do carry from our service point. Please feel free to alert library staff that you feel they are being too noisy at any time. I realize that can be uncomfortable, but we are only human and sometimes forget how much voices can carry and don't mind being told. The second floor is designated as the quiet floor in the building with three zones and different levels of quiet expected from users. We also provide noise-canceling headphones for checkout from the service desk to help with study and focus. 

Thank you.

Douglas Stehle, Head of Access Services

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