Pull-up bars?
Details:Pull-up bars?
Hi! I like to do sets of pushups every so often while I'm studying to take a small break/keep the blood circulating. Would be neat to have a pull-up bar on the first floor to do the same. Thought it might be possible since there are so many study treadmills/bikes/etc.
thank you for this idea and suggestion. It could work. We will have to look into it with Facilities and see if there are a couple of appropriate and secure spots that can support a pull-up bar. I am unsure but will look into it. You are absolutely right that it would fit in with the wellness themes in the library such as our bike stations. We have a variety of gadgets for checkout from the service desk including basic fitness gear. Ask the staff at our service desk and see some of the fitness gear we have @ https://library.cuanschutz.edu/gadgets-for-checkout?tid=728. We recently have purchased more wellness items like this and will be adding those to this online listing.
Thank you and be well.
--Douglas Stehle, Head of Access Services