Answered By: Douglas Stehle
Last Updated: Feb 07, 2024     Views: 66

Second Floor Quiet Zone/Study Zone Details:Second Floor Quiet Zone/Study Zone
Would it be possible to remind/make sure that students know that the second floor and study zone areas are a quiet zone? Many students have started using the study zone rooms to take meetings/phone calls and participate in virtual classes, which is disruptive to other students who use that area for quiet studying. Thanks!


Hello, and thank you for the comment.

We can try some additional signage inside and around the study zone (or move some around) to remind students of the quiet expectations and zones policy for the second floor including the study zone  -- see We have various spots on the second floor showing this policy map of the zones along with other general quiet signs. Perhaps some signs have gone missing or were taken down with over a year of library closure and restricted access, staff working remotely, etc. We will check. A complicating factor right now I believe is reservation use of rooms for virtual classes and probably more Zoom conversations--needs and behavior have changed. The policy was written a few years ago within and for a different context compared to today. Probably during this unique time, the 2nd-floor quiet policy could be considered less in effect. The "policy" was written for normal circumstances pre-COVID and pre-campus closure, and it is not a Law but only a library guideline. 

Part of the process of trying to encourage student users to abide, in addition to signage and other communication by the library, is for students to talk to one another as peers and let student colleagues know they are being noisy and to try and work something out together as respected peers. Some folks do not know they are being too loud unless someone politely offers them that information.

The activity you are describing in my opinion (per quiet zones policy for 2nd floor) is best suited for study rooms and areas on the 1st and 3rd floors of the library if students are able to reserve and get into those spots. On the quiet 2nd floor, this type of activity would seem ok to me only in the bank of 2nd-floor study rooms outside the Zone along the west side (rooms 2301 - 2308). This area of rooms is marked in green on the quiet zone map as Quiet Collaboration. Of course, all students have unique preferences for certain rooms and areas and there are lots of reservations in play right now. In my experience, it is always a challenge to achieve a level of quiet that satisfies everyone in a library.

We will see if we can spread greater awareness of these guidelines and use some other channels to get the word out to the student community. The level of virtual classes going on right now is a challenging factor and legitimate one. It is a balancing act. 

Thank you.

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