Today out on the 2nd floor balcony I found 2 dead birds that had hit the window, could measures be taken to prevent this?
Details:Today out on the 2nd floor balcony I found 2 dead birds that had hit the window, could measures be taken to prevent this?
I was hoping that preventative measures to stop birds from hitting the window could be taken. Options like reflective stickers to alert them or preventative film, other ideas can be found here:
Hopefully, there is an easy and effective solution.
Thank you,
Dustin Rogers
We noticed this too and have received similar comments from other library users. Thank you for submitting your idea and concern.
We will look into what else could be done and applied to the windows and work with campus Facilities. Those windows already do have a good deal of leaf design stickers on them, and I am not sure how much more could be added. Maybe we need to try a different type of reflective sticker.
Thank you. Be well.