Answered By: Douglas Stehle
Last Updated: Oct 07, 2024     Views: 11

Is it possible to add more standing desks to the Quiet Zone study rooms on the second floor. Right now there are only two rooms that have them Details:Is it possible to add more standing desks to the Quiet Zone study rooms on the second floor. Right now there are only two rooms that have them and they are highly coveted.

Additionally, is it possible to add more walking treadmill desks or to institute a one hour time limit for use?


Thank you for these comments and suggestion. There are some costs involved with adding additional standing desks or walking treadmills along with details like location and space, electrical power and so forth. A couple of our oldest walk stations are nearing their end of life and likely will need to be replaced in the near future. The sizing of the tables in each of the rooms of the Study Zone are customized and actually the two rooms which have the standing desks were not intended but instead were placed in there by users. The tables in the rooms of the Study Zone could be hard to reuse and place elsewhere in the library. Over the history of the library providing walking treadmill desks the question of time limits has come up before and we feel trying to impose time limits would be impractical. We will look into options for replacing or adding more over time.

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