Answered By: Douglas Stehle
Last Updated: Dec 31, 2024     Views: 25

The auto-off feature for the second floor study room lights is not sensitive enough and the timer is too short. When I am really in the zone Details:The auto-off feature for the second floor study room lights is not sensitive enough and the timer is too short. When I am really in the zone studying or taking a practice exam I am often being still enough that my small movements are not enough to keep the lights on. When the lights shut off it is a major distraction and nuiscence to my studying. For instance, while taking a mock Step 1 exam in a room I was sharing with a friend the lights shut off on us multiple times during our tests. The small movements of moving a mouse, typing and other appropriate movements for taking a mock Step exam and trying to replicate testing conditions were not sufficient for the lights to recognize our presence and keep the lights on. This is very frustrating. I have had this issue in multiple rooms, so I believe it is more systemic than just one faulty sensor. I understand the concern to save electricity, but can the sensors be programmed to be more sensitive to smaller movements or replaced with those that can? I shouldn't have to get up and do jumping jacks every 15 minutes while trying to intensively study just to keep the lights on!


Thank you for sharing your experience. I wish it would have been better. I will investigate this and reach out to the Facilities building automation team. There is energy saving intent behind the setup as you suggest but the units may need to be reset and inspected, or the settings reconsidered. Do you typically study in the Study Zone on the far north end of the second floor where all the rooms are numbered in a 2406 series? Or do you use the study rooms elsewhere across the second floor?

Thank you for pointing this out and sharing your opinion. If you want to contact me, feel free at 303-724-2139 or

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