Please apply some sort of incentive to stop booking rooms if students aren't going to show up. Possibly by making people confirm when they Details:Please apply some sort of incentive to stop booking rooms if students aren't going to show up. Possibly by making people confirm when they arrived on the QR code and making sure it aligns with their reserved time, otherwise losing there reservation after 30min
Thanks for this feedback. Our study room policy does state that "Users arriving more than 30 minutes after their reservation forfeit their time." If you observe that a study room user is more than 30 minutes late for their reservation, you can feel free to use the room until the next reservation starts. Additionally, we have a total of 60 study rooms with a mix of reservable and first-come, first-served rooms, as well as a variety of other study spaces throughout the building, so you may be able to find another space that suits your needs. We are also investigating the settings within the reservation system to see if there is a way we can have reservations auto-cancel when users do not arrive within 30 minutes of their reservation start time. Please watch the library website for future updates to the room reservation policy and procedures. Thanks!